Figure out how to run nmap against in such a way that both tcp/53 and udp/53 are checked.  Provide a screenshot of your command and output similar to the screenshot below.

Deliverable 1.  Run nslookup against using the dns server  Provide a screenshot showing the traffic similar to the one below that shows your nslookup command and an indication the protocol is UDP.

Deliverable 2.  Figure out how to coax nslookup to use tcp and repeat the lookup, continuing to capture packets to tcp/udp 53.  Provide a screenshot similar to the one below that shows the modified nslookup command and the new packets.  The illustration is also a reminder of why UDP is so efficient.

Deliverable 3.  Change your capture so that you are monitoring eth0 using the same port 53 capture filter.  Repeat the zone transfer from from Activity 3.1.  Provide a screenshot showing the tcp stream of this transfer.  (Yes, zone transfers use TCP)

Was using axfw instead of axfr