- Keys and Certs
Least Privilege:
- Only allow users to access the resources they need
- Prevent exposing unnecessary information about the server/application itself
File System Protection:
- Set appropriate permission on web content, scripts and configuration files
- Prevent “file inclusion” vulnerabilities
Data Store Protection
- Prevent unauthorized
- Hash/Checksum/Message Digest
- Protect resources by requiring authentication
- Protect authentication credentials using secure technologies
Ensuring data doesn’t change:
- Preventing man-in-the-middle attacks
Prevent File System Changes:
- Monitor file-system for unauthorized changes
- Read-only permissions to web content whenever possible
Server-side script protections:
- Prevent script execution when not needed
- SElinux OS protection tools
- Security modules for web server (mod_security for apache)
- Denial of server protection
- Web-Application Firewall